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Woman in the Garden - handmade paper and Kozo fiber

Woman in the Garden - handmade paper and Kozo fiber

The Three Graces with gold foil and encaustic

The Three Graces with gold foil and encaustic

Stepping Out with gold foil and encaustic

Stepping Out with gold foil and encaustic

Over the Shoulder with gold foil and encaustic

Over the Shoulder with gold foil and encaustic

On the Town with gold foil and encaustic

On the Town with gold foil and encaustic

Polaroid Transfer

Introduced to this technique by fellow artists Judy Quinn and Sarah Thornington I was interested in the chance effects of dye transfer and emulsion lift. This became a way to work with years of slides taken while traveling and to reinvent the images.  I still hold on to a few dozen rolls of Polaroid film for when I get the urge to work in this medium.

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