We Glide Through Time | We Glide Through Time in a Box |
Goodbye 2020 Year at a Glance | Goodby 2020-Detail Folow the Rules |
Detail Metamorphoses Land and Skies | Goodby 2020-Detail Contact Tracing |
Goodbye 2020- Detail December, Wear a Ma | Goodbye 2020- the year at the close |
Goodbye 2020-Detail You are muted | Goodbye 2020-July Jumping out of my skin |
Goodbye 2020-Stay Safe | Jack and Frances - Cover with closure |
Jack and Francis- Detail-Letter to Jack | Woman and Man Detail1 |
Wanderlust Accordion Book | Wanderlust closed |
Wanderlust showing both sides | Shikokumap Detail from Wanderlust |
Rays Shack Provincetown detail Wanderlust | Fire-escapes and the Brooklyn Bridge detail Wanderlust |
Ginkgo Cyanotype and Etching Accordion Book |
Featured Artist, 2021
We Glide Through Time, 2021
In memory of my Aunt Tonia
musings inspired by her cinquants
12 , 2 " cubes, monotype with Xerox
Cloth covered box.
Wanderlust/ Moments in a Journal of a Lifetime
Wanderlust, 2016
Original Unique Handmade book created for the Ex Libris Exchange, an international collaborative art project sponsored by the Boson/Strasbourg Sister City Association featuring 26 original ARTISTS’ BOOKS. The journal of George Daniel Flohr (1787) which was the catalyst for the project lead me to an investigation of my own narratives, photographs, sketches and journal entrees collected over fifty years of travel.
This book is my personal journey of time and place reflecting journal writing, musings, sketching and photographs from different inspirational moments in my life. It employs various artistic mediums, such as watercolor, transfer drawing, etching, handmade kozo paper, and paste papers combined into an accordion book.